
Code Image Product Name
UBBadthings Bad Things Bad Things
UBRobin6bandits Bandits, Dirt Bikes and Trash Bandits, Dirt Bikes and Trash
UBBadcat Batcat! Batcat!
NBBBAnts BB - Ants BB - Ants
NBBBWasps BB - Bees and Wasps BB - Bees and Wasps
NBBBBeetles BB - Beetles BB - Beetles
NBBBCrickets BB - Crickets BB - Crickets
NBBBFlies BB - Flies BB - Flies
RPBBHollywood BB - Goes to Hollywood BB - Goes to Hollywood
RPBBSpace BB - Invaders from Space BB - Invaders from Space
NBBBMoths BB - Moths BB - Moths
RPBBSwarm BB - The Deadly Swarm BB - The Deadly Swarm
RPBBTomb BB - The Emperor's Tomb BB - The Emperor's Tomb
RPBBNinja BB - The Forest of the Ninja BB - The Forest of the Ninja
RPBBPluto BB - The Ice Caves of Pluto BB - The Ice Caves of Pluto
RPBBCity BB - The Lost City BB - The Lost City
RPBBYeti BB - The Lost Yeti BB - The Lost Yeti
RPBBDeep BB - The Monsters from the Deep BB - The Monsters from the Deep
RPBBZombies BB - The Moon Zombies BB - The Moon Zombies
RPBBWisdom BB - The Quest for Wisdom BB - The Quest for Wisdom
RPBBWolf BB - The Red Wolf BB - The Red Wolf
RPBBRockmen BB - The Rock Men BB - The Rock Men
RPBBMars BB - The Temples of Mars BB - The Temples of Mars
RPBBWarriors BB - The Time Warriors BB - The Time Warriors